Hi guys let us spend some time to make your dream of ‘A Model’s Body’ come true. We agree that days have become so busy that we don’t even find time to go to the gym or be away from your computer. But still there is one thing which always disturbs you.” A six pack abdominal glory”. Want to live that dream?
Follow the below tips and exercises that can easily be done at home. No doubt, you need to spare some time. So, let’s start.
CLICK HERE >> One Secret Trick To Get Fast Six Pack Abs >>
The first one is ‘Crunches’.
Most of us know how to do this, which targets the upper abdomen. Though it is basic it is one of the effective exercises. In order to perform crunches, lie on a flat surface, keep your hands either your chest or behind you head. Now Contract your abs, hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position. To make them proper they must be in a continuous and controlled manner. In order to avoid the cause stress and strains avoid using the neck or shoulders to push you up.
Click Here >> How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast And Easy
The second one is ‘Side Crunches’.
This is to burn the fat in your sides of your abs toning your body into V- shape. Here you just need to change the type of your contracting position, not it must be to either side of your abs. But remember the continuous and controlled manner guys.
Read more :- 4 Steps to Get Six Pack Abs With Ease
Now it’s the time to lift your legs.
Being in the same position of lying on the floor this exercise is to affect your lower abdomen. Be sure that your back is flat and touches the ground completely. Now place your hands under your buttocks, this adds leverage and helps you get your feet elevated. Lift your legs to six to twelve inches above the ground. Do it for a count of 10 to 15 times. It’s done.
- It’s time for V- Crunches guys.
Get up and sit at the edge of a bench and reach back just enough to support yourself from completely lying on the bench and bring your knees towards your chest. This would create a V motion taking your abs as the base. Repeat it as per your count and burn the fat.
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- Guys lets stretch like a cat!
Have you ever seen a cat stretching its back? If yes, this would be an easy task for you. Get back to the floor on your knees and hands; relax your muscles and stretch your back tightening your abdominal muscles as far as you can for just five counts. Slowly lower your body.
- Hey it’s funny now because it is ‘Bicycle Crunch’.
Lye on the floor as you have been doing. Keep your hands under your neck. Start riding the invisible bicycle. I mean to say raise your knees up to 45 degrees angle and then perform a pedaling motion just like you do while riding a bicycle. That’s it.
- Stand up now to do ‘Standing Side Bends’
As the name suggests it is to just stand straight with your unbent knees and hips and just bend to both right and left side in order to burn your fat in the oblique muscles. Instead of bending side to side you can also twist or rotate the upper body from left to right while keeping the legs straight.
You can achieve you dream easily if you really have the will to do so. Not in a month or two but as fast as you dedicate yourself in doing the above said exercises. All the best.